Chapter 3 Exercises

3.1 The Issue

Users expect to see exercises in a textbook. For Loss Data Analytics, we have many sources and types of exercises that we can draw upon. The issue is deciding upon the type to re-inforce the emphasis of the book.

Currently, the book features almost as many different exercise types as there are authors. Some chapters have no exercises, others have an extensive amount.

See also some questions in a Future Work folder on this site.

These differing viewpoints are also reflected in the examples in the book. To illustrative, some chapters focus on mathmatical/statistical developments, some on data analytic aspects, some on business content. This is the good and bad associated with a heterogenous collection of authors.

We can reduce the effects of this heterogeneity by providing a large pool of exercises. Some may exist outside of the book. With a large pool of exercises, users (teachers) can draw upon the subset that reflects their area of interests.

3.2 Wordpress Exercises

Here is a series of exercises that guide the viewer through some of the theoretical foundations of Loss Data Analytics. Each tutorial is based on one or more questions from the professional actuarial examinations – typically the Society of Actuaries short term actuarial mathematics exam that used to be known as “Exam C.” These exercises are coded using Wordpress.

We can explore bringing them into the R Bookdown environment.

3.2.1 2. Frequency Modeling

Frequency Distribution Guided Tutorials

3.2.2 3. Modeling Loss Severity

Severity Distribution Guided Tutorials

3.2.3 4. Model Selection and Estimation

Model Selection Guided Tutorials

3.2.4 5. Aggregate Loss Models

Aggregate Loss Guided Tutorials